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Aufwärmübungen fürs Urban Sketching, Alltags- und Reiseskizzen, auf Deutsch, auf Skillshare


When observational drawings dont look right, it is often because we dont watch in an appropriate seeing mode. In the everyday mode, most people are not able to see, what is really there in front of them, and this shows in their drawings. This class is about seeing modes and how to tune into a suitable mode for drawing on location. I show four  effective and easy warming up exercises for observational drawing. The last exercise is also a technique for "real" urban sketches or travel sketches - a quick approach to draw everything you see.


This class is for both, beginners and intermediate sketchers - and also advanced ones with too much routine, that want to see again with a "beginners mind".


((At the moment (may 2018) the class is a beta-version. The contents come from many years teaching experience and are good - the most important exercises in my urban sketching workshops in Berne, but i am new to filming and want to improve the voice an video quality.))



A city scene may be overwhelming to sketch and perspective may not be your favorite topic. How can it be more satisfying and fun? In this class, I cover the 3 main aspects of perspective that are useful to have in mind when drawing from observation. Then I show you my 4 favorite approaches to draft and sketch architecture and cityscapes with ease and (hopefully) playfulness.

Onlinekurse, die "offline" habe:

Blumen skizzieren ... beim Wandern, Reisen oder als Oase in einen vollen Alltag.


Inktober (or any time you dedicate to practice certain skills) may have a different purpose for different people. In this class, we look at the creative process and how to determine YOUR specific goals for this time. It is not an ink drawing class, but a class that can accompany challenges and projects like inktober and hopefully bring you a more specific experience and outcome.

There is theory about creative processes and the mind, questions to reflect on, and examples. 

We explore different possibilities to stay sketching and improve sketching when it's cold outside - adaptations to draw outside, exercises inside and creating sketching opportunities. To start at the next level in spring, use the winter months to improve specifis skills! As an example, there is a lesson about improving perspective and learning from others - just in your home.

Three drawing videos at original speed - one in the "learn from others* lesson and two in the bonus lessons - add insight about my drawing process and slow speed and invite to slow down to draw. They can be left out by too busy people.

((I am still working on my filming and english skills))